
Jennifer Ip is a Career and Transition Coach and Learning and Development Professional, with experience managing global teams. She has been a certified Coach since 2015 and has her masters degree in International HR and Organizational Development. 

Jennifer is fueled by her love of growth and understanding of who we are as people and ultimately why we do what we do. She considers herself a work in progress and believes we are never finished growing. 

On any given day, you can find her helping someone style their living space because she believes our environment affects how we live everyday, cooking because she finds it therapeutic, or gathering friends for a dinner party, because she believes we are meant to live in community. 

She is an ENFJ on the MBTI, a 7 wing 8 on the Enneagram and her top 5 strengths on the strength finder 2.0 are; Communication, W.O.O., Responsibility, Activator, and Belief. 

Looking forward to connecting,
